QUX® Connex Test Program


Reserve yours now!


What if you could also control your QUX® TV Box through your phone?

Well, now you can! We’re excited to launch the QUX® Connex Test Program! It’s a brand-new phone app providing you access to QUX® messaging, webcam, and live streaming from your phone! With just a few taps you can turn your phone into a TV remote or easy-to-use keyboard to manage your QUX® TV Box. It offers unparalleled security and privacy, setting it apart from other apps on the market.

The QUX® Connex Test Program is open for anyone with a QUX® TV Box and available for both iPhone and Android devices. For only $99.95, you get to be part of the next wave of Qux Technologies and your one-time purchase can be credited toward the Qux® Phone test program next year!

Become a member of the QUX® Connex Test Program and be among the first to experience this revolutionary product— explore the cutting-edge features of the QUX® Connex and help test out its functions before its full release.

Reserve your access and help us launch QUX® Connex! Other special features for Test Program participants will be announced soon.

App Features Included:
Remote Control of TV Box
Keyboard Input to TV Box
Livestream from Phone to TV Box
QUX® Messaging

You must own a QUX® TV Box to use QUX® Connex. Buy one here and join the fun!

Notice: Not all features will be available at launch. Test Program participants will gain access to features as they become accessible and before anyone else. Using Messaging, Remote, and Keyboard requires owning a QUX® TV Box. Livestreaming from Phone allows a content creator to stream from their phone to QUX® TV Viewers. May require using a browser to set up your QUX account.